This morning Addison went for her appointment with a cranio-facial plastic surgeon affiliated with the Yale Children's Hospital.
First things first... I could not rave about Yale as a whole enough. They took care of my high risk needs when I was pregnant with Addison, and always had amazingly fantastic experiences there. This time was no different.
The office we went to was clean, catered to kids obviously, but of all ages... toys for Addie's age group and up. And I did not have to wait long at all. We had a 10am appointment and were there by 9:45 and I didn't even have time to fill out all the paperwork before they called us in.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Let Me Take the Christ Out of Christmas
Every where I turn this year, I keep seeing the advertisements about keeping Christ in Christmas. And that is all fine and dandy for those who do the whole religion thing, and actually believe in the story of Christ and the Virgin Mary, and everything that goes along with it. But that isn't the Christmas I celebrate.
The Christmas I celebrate is about decorated trees, Santa Claus, cookies, and presents. Nothing more, and nothing less. Well maybe a couple Christmas story books, and traditions from childhood as well.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Mind Your Own Kids?
Today is brought to you by my soap box. So let me take it out of storage because I haven't been up on it for a while.
Dust it off and step up.
I used to be a stay-at-home-mom. I didn't really do anything other than watch my kids, and keep house. I was frequently bored, and guilty of the charge I am about to accuse other stay-at-home-moms of. I am woman enough to own it. Why? Because since becoming a mother, and of course becoming a working mother, I can certainly say I have matured. Isn't that part of life? I mean, I still am only 26. I will continue to grow, mature, and change my mind in life. It is part of life!
Dust it off and step up.
I used to be a stay-at-home-mom. I didn't really do anything other than watch my kids, and keep house. I was frequently bored, and guilty of the charge I am about to accuse other stay-at-home-moms of. I am woman enough to own it. Why? Because since becoming a mother, and of course becoming a working mother, I can certainly say I have matured. Isn't that part of life? I mean, I still am only 26. I will continue to grow, mature, and change my mind in life. It is part of life!
LeapFrog's Hottest Holiday Products Including a Giveaway!
If I was a toddler these days, I would be all over the new Leap Frog products like nobody’s business. Seriously!
The products they have come out with, just in the past year since my oldest son got his Leapster are amazing, and I am really excited to be able to giveaway a Tag Reading system to one of my readers!
I also had the change to review the new leap pad which is featured over there in the picture! And kids toys have come such a long way since I was young… heck since my nephew was a kid too, and he is only 15!
What I Really Think About Baby Schedules
Baby schedules… they are all the rage! Mommy and me at 10am, followed by a nice refreshing feeding at 11:15am and of course topped off with a nap for noon. HA!
You want to know what I actually think about baby schedules? THEY
No seriously… do you think your baby really cares what time you want her to eat and sleep? HA!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Strengthening Your Pelvic Floor
After two c-sections with my older two sons I had a lot of pelvic floor problems, and I made no secret of it. In fact a lot of women who have cesarean sections go through a great deal of female related pain in the months, and years postpartum.

When Intimina contacted me to write a post about their new Laselle kegel exercisers I jumped on the chance because of my own personal experience with the pain and issues I had.

When Intimina contacted me to write a post about their new Laselle kegel exercisers I jumped on the chance because of my own personal experience with the pain and issues I had.
10 Things I Actually Say in a Day
If you have a toddler, or two in your house you also know some of the things you say to them on a day to day basis would make you look like a damn fool if you actually used them with adults.
Right? Yup! You know I am right!
I put out a call to my readers a couple days ago to include some of the funny and amusing things we say to our kids… and I got some really great sayings and quotes.
5 Reasons I Love My IUD
Two weeks ago I got my IUD put in. And to say I was scared to death would have totally been an understatement, but I went through with it because I know it was something I needed to do.
We are not in a position to afford anymore kids, and I think my sanity would go flying right out the window. But that is totally besides the point.
I went on a Wednesday my husband had off from work, which just so happened to be the day before Thanksgiving as well, and of course I was able to join my family the next day for our annual feast with minimal pain.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Wordless Wednesday: Chubs
Her chubs, and smiles... and overall personality is like a giant ray of sunshine.
It could brighten anyones day, even the dark days I have had recently.
One day at a time...
Elefun Busy Ball Popper Giveaway!
‘Tis the season for all of the best gifts on the market for your kids, including your baby. There are so many things to choose from this holiday season who ever knows where to even start?
Well I want to help you, and of course give you one of the hottest gifts this season, and the giveaway will not only end before Christmas, but it will also ship to the winner in time for Christmas!
Toddler Lunch: Would You Like Pot With That?
Just when I thought I have heard everything come out of my own damn state… another idiot goes and surprises me. This time it is a man from a small town called Killingworth.
A 33 year old father by the name of John Sulzbach is charged with risk of injury to a minor, and possession of a controlled substance. What was that substance? Marijuana.
But what in the hell does this have to do with toddlers?
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