Interested in advertising on Here are a couple things you should know!
I created this site for myself. A place where I can complain about my day or something I saw in the news. I talk about current events, my kids, and really anything goes at all. It is a mix-matched blog of motherhood, social media, bitching, and whatever else I can mix up... which all encompasses myself.
- I swear! - I am not your run of the mill raunchy truck driver, but sometimes I get a wild hair up my ass and out it comes... You love it or hate it.
- I am picky about who I will allow to advertise! - If I feel like your product or company is something I would not want to align myself with, I will be sure to let you know in a polite manner and thank you for your interest.
- I am busy! - I write full time for on their Baby's First Year and Toddler Time blogs. Sometimes I will leave my site hanging for a day or two although I do my best to schedule posts to go up in a timely manner.
- I do offer sponsored posts - But I am not going to work for free! You wouldn't work for free either!
If I haven't scared you away by now, feel free to e-mail me for my current advertising costs, and website traffic information.
As well as site advertising, I am available for Brand Ambassadorship programs and positions.
In the past some of the companies I have worked with, and who have sponsored me include:
As well as site advertising, I am available for Brand Ambassadorship programs and positions.
In the past some of the companies I have worked with, and who have sponsored me include:
- Lamaze
- Go Mama Go Designs
- Pamper's Kandoo
- AppleCheeks Cloth Diapers
- Kolcraft
I currently write for on their Toddler Time's and Baby's First Year blogs, and am a founder of the Trendiest Kids on the Blog with Courtney Hutson from One Bored Mommy.
In the past I have written for Lamaze's Giving Birth with Confidence blog, Pregnancy, Parenthood, and Playtime on The Connecticut Post, as well as on, Birth Activist, Examiner, and various other internet publications.
I also provide social media consulting services on, and offline.
For more information you can check out the Hire Me tab, or e-mail me directly.