This weekend we went into full blown Christmas mode in our house. Since last weekend, even before Thanksgiving our three year old has been repeatedly requesting our Christmas tree go up. Which is fine by me, but my husband is that guy who refuses to get into the spirit till after the turkey has been carved.
Totally fine with me, not so much with the kid though.
After an almost week long battle, we started prepping the house and outside of the house for our decor yesterday.
While I cleared off my work desk for its last moments in our living room, my husband got the Christmas lights for the outside of the house prep'ed and up on the house. What I didn't know is he didn't actually plug them in before putting them up.
The sun started to go down, and I was working on the Christmas tree inside the house, and the little guy was asking about the outside lights. So I brought him out front, and plugged the lights in... All the brand new LCD lights we bought last Christmas season that only went through ONE season on the house didn't go on... not ONE light. Now mind you these are the lights that are supposed to work even if that mystical one light in the entire strand didn't work.
But the kick int he ass?
The ONE old strand of lights we had attached around the garage... WORKED even with a couple missing lights, and one broken one.
My blood boiled, and then I came back down to earth because I knew I had to go tell my husband who was not going to be happy. I figured I was preparing for the Clark Griswold freak out in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation... One of our all time favorite movies.
Hell, this season we have already watched it and my three year old has been walking around the house saying "THE BLESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSING!"
Now he has to get back up on the roof and figure out what the hell happened on his next day off from work. UGH!
And I leave you with this!
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