Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Light Follow Up

Last Christmas we bought these lights... $35 for 200 LED lights we expected to last us more than 40 days.

Lights went up around Thanksgiving, and came down a little after New Years. Hardly got our money's worth.

When my husband went to put the Christmas lights up this past weekend, as you all know, they didn't work, and of course I took up social media to complain about the product. It wasn't till after I complained and looked up reviews from the past year on these lights I realized we probably bought the worst LED lights available.

Of course we thought because they were GE lights, they would have at least a bit of quality.  Nope!  We were wrong, and over the next 24 hours I learned that while they may be a "GE Product" they are actually made and distributed by a company called Santa's Best Crafts, which is based out of Wisconsin.

We made the investment in the lights thinking they would work more than one season, as most people would when spending flipping $35 on a sting of lights.

I got an e-mail back from GE's customer service instructing me to speak with Santa's Best, which I did about an hour ago. I was told that first I would need to send my lights back in to them, which isn't a big deal. I don't need them, they don't work. But here is the kicker...

They would investigate my strand of lights, then determine if they could be replaced, and in the end, be shipped BACK out to me in 4-6 weeks. And for anyone who knows much about MATH at all, would know Christmas will be long over by then.

Moral of the story? Skip GE products because if you have a problem, they won't help you even if their name is on the product. As for Santa's Best... they seem like a small company, but around this time of year, 4-6 weeks simply isn't reasonable for a product that is only really useable one month a year.

Now, because we cannot afford to go out and dump a ton of money on Christmas lights the boys are upset, and wondering why they can't have Christmas lights on their house this year, when all the neighbors do.

Christmas FAIL!

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