Thursday, October 20, 2011

Raising Boys with Strong Female Role Models

Female Truck Drivers?
I was having a thought-provoking conversation with my almost-four-year-old the other day and we started talking about jobs. Typically firemen come up in our house a lot because my husband is a volunteer and the boys always want to go and play on the firetrucks.  I mean what toddler who has free reign of the firehouse wouldn’t?
Heck, I think sometimes the boys know the trucks better than some of the new guys at the firehouse.
Anyway!  I asked him about being a fireman when he grew up and I brought up female firefighters. He snapped back at me “Mommy, girls can’t be firemen”   and I wanted to keel over and die right then and there….  Who was this little boy, who raised him, and WHO gave him the idea that women wouldn’t be firemen?

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