Friday, October 21, 2011

Hold On to Your Cloth Diapers

I am kind of a cloth diaper junkie. And even more so since we are now cloth diapering two kids in our house 100% of the time.  I have been back in the saddle for about two weeks now, and every day it just gets easier and easier.
The best part? Not having to buy diapers anymore or worrying about running out in the middle of the night.  Although my hatred for laundry is as strong as ever.
Anyway! I have been expanding my collection over the past couple months since Addison was born. I originally started out with two full stashes of AppleCheeks which I still use daily.  I also expanded toFuzziBunz and absolutely love them as well. I swear all the diapers I have tried out since I started, I have loved something about.

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