Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween is Kind of a Big Damn Deal!

Halloween is kind of a big damn deal in my house. I love Halloween and it has been one of my favorite holiday's since I was a kid.   I love every aspect of it. The hauntings, the history, the dressing up and of course the candy to rot everyone's teeth.

My mother can attest, I am a Halloween nut!   So this year I started a new tradition to go along with my obsession.  As you can see by the picture... I made my kids Halloween baskets.

You know, like Easter baskets, but minus those nasty peeps, and plus cool Halloween accessories like coloring books and Halloween socks!   I mean, there is so much themed gift stuff this time of year, it was easy and cheap to put together.  The best part is the little baskets I got to put the treats in, the kids will use tonight to trick or treat!

But other than all of the treats for the kids, Halloween becomes a time that my teenage, well and early 20 something alter ego comes to visit.  On the eve of Halloween I become the Tooth Fairy.  No joke.

It is all a hysterical story, but as you can see, I really loved to let lose and have fun before I became a Mom.  I still do, I just have toned it down a lot.  No more parody videos with candy cigarettes, and sitting on the toilet for the whole world to see. I mean, we have to draw the line somewhere though.

I am sure in another ten years when my oldest starts to get into the too cool for school teen years he will get a good chuckle out of how cool his mom was at one point in her life, before he came around.

So I thought I would share one of my old masterpieces.
This video is narrated by Sifl and Olly the early 90's sock puppet show on MTV, and when we took all the photos for this to put it together... I was 19. This is going back to 2004.  WOW!   I feel old.

And tomorrow, November 1st, the Tooth Fairy will go back into hiding till October 30th, 2012.

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