Sunday, October 16, 2011

Back to Cloth

Cloth diapers are back, and here to stay.

I have cloth diapered on and off for over a year now. I started last August and then by mid-September I was pregnant, deep in the middle of morning sickness and even the smell of a clean, washed, fresh cloth diaper would send me right over the vomit edge.

Heck, changing diapers in general often did me in, but my biggest aversion became washed cloth diapers. Not even the dirty ones!

I tried a couple different kinds of diaper detergent. Everything from my normal soap to Rockin' Green.  Nothing helped at all. I felt like a total failure.

Then Addie was born. I was fully ready to cloth diaper her from the get go, and none of our cloth diapers we had in our stash fit her right since she was such a peanut.  I felt like I might as well just give it up altogether.  It had to be the single most discouraging battle in parenthood thus far. No joke.

Why am I telling you this?   Because I have seeeeeeeeen the light!

I feel like the cloth diaper fairy came and sat down on my shoulder and walked me through every little in and out. Every step. Every battle and discouraging leak. Every last little thing.
And I have mastered it!

Finally I have the hang of it, and I have been able to scrap disposable diapers altogether. No more overnight coverage, or disposables when we leave the house for the day.  No more!   And it feels so good.   It feels like I can laugh in the face of all the cloth diapering problems we have had in the past.

The biggest win?  MYHUSBANDISCLOTHDIAPERING!   That right there needs an entire cheer section, parade, and party.   He had zero interest in it when I began, and made his opinion and interest extremely vocal.  "You are on your own" if I remember correctly.

Now?  I have him changing diapers, learning how to stuff them, and I even taught him how to wash them this week. Although I still can't get him on board for poop in cloth yet.  I am sure he will come around soon though.

I can say I know the feeling all the other cloth diaperer's out there have now when they say they love their diapers, and cloth diapering!


Anyway!  My current stash for both my 2 year old, and 5 month old include awesome diapers from AppleCheeks, who sponsored my transition to cloth with my oldest son Benjamin.  They are amazing, and owned by two awesome mothers. I had the chance to meet Ilana one of their founders last October in New York City when she was here in the United States on vacation, and she is kick ass!   Katie their social media lady is also a doll!

I also have FuzziBunz as well as Charlie Banana's which I have reviewed both for the company and purchased a couple more of each.  I think I am going to get a couple more FuzziBunz in the upcoming week.

I know there are a lot of cloth diapering moms out there 100% loyal to one specific brand, but I have to say there are things about each diaper I love. Honestly, if I could make a hybrid diaper out of the best quality of each diaper... I would market it and probably make a gazillion dollars. HA!

So cloth diapering moms... What are your favorite diapers?  Tips on cloth diapering? Why did you start cloth diapering?  Favorite part of cloth diapering?

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