I did it... after I hummed and hawed for a couple months... actually 6 months... I got my mirena put in this past week.
I had heard horror stories, and super positive stories, but there was no middle ground. People either loved or hated their IUD, and I felt like I was going into it with the most information I could collect. Although I was still hesitant.
Knowing we aren't in a position to have anymore kids anytime soon, I just went for it. Sucked it up, and made the appointment for my husband's day off from work so I knew if I felt really shitty he could take care of the kids.
I knew I would be a big baby about it, because I am a big baby when it comes to pain in general.
Well 1pm on Wednesday my midwife Cathy walked me through it, and then we chit chatted about life, her birthday, and whatever else we could think up, including the two babies she had delivered the day before, on 11-22-11 which we all thought was pretty neat.
Well next thing you knew with a couple cramps, it was in and I was ready to head home. It wasn't until I was half way home that the big cramps kicked in and when we got to the house, I had to lay down for a bit. I tried to take a nap but the pain was too much. A bunch of Tylenol, a hot bath, and some ice cream... finally made me start to feel a little better.
Thursday was Thanksgiving and I took it easy that day as well, and I was fully back to normal as of Friday. No cramping or spotting which they said could last for weeks, and even months.
I am fully happy with my decision thus far. I may change my mind in another week, or a month, but so far so good in IUD land. It was a walk in the park to have put in, and for the most part I have a feeling I may be one of those people who absolutely loves their IUD.
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