Thursday, October 6, 2011

I Am Skipping Addison's Flu Shot

It is that time of year again!   Flu shots… joy!   With notes going home from my oldest son’s school, to automated phone calls from our insurance company… oh and those Flu shots here today! signs all over town… how could I avoid them?
It is no news that Addie isn’t our first child, and as a matter of fact, our oldest son was born in the winter.  A December baby who never got a flu shot. Heck I don’t think I have ever got one either. Pregnant or not in the winter time.
I guess I never saw the point. I know that many parents swear by them because they can be beneficial to their children, especially if they are immunocompromised at all. I understand that. But as the mother of three healthy children, all of which have skipped the flu shot, and never really ended up with the flu, I plan on skipping it once again.

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