Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why Women are Failing Each Other

You see that bitch?
Just when you think women have banded together enough to take a hand full of steps forward... there evolves a population of bitches who have nothing better to do but put other women down in any which way they can!

Sounds like that movie Mean Girls right?  It is a pretty accurate depiction of what happens day in and day out. If it isn't high school... it is the blogging community.  If it isn't the work place it is at the gym.  Maybe your social circle, or even your own family!  It is every where!

There is no escaping it!  AHH!

No matter where you are there are haters. What is up with that?

For so long women were banding together to advance in our society. Voting rights, working outside the home, not being shackled to a stove... then what happened?  Did jealousy rear its ugly head? Did some women take their new found freedoms as a sign that harassing others was the new cool thing to do? Or was it just the internet?

Who knows, but damn!  Enough is enough right?

Sure we have been able to advance in ways we never would have been able to without the amazing invention called the internet. But then you have the population ass clowns who think it is mature, acceptable, or even ok to sit behind a computer and make fun of another woman for anything from her looks to her success.  What is up with that?

Why not channel all that boredom into something positive?  Save the children?  Adopt a child in a foreign country?  Habitat for Humanity?  Something! Anything!

I think that as women we should band together not only to run these kind of circles out of our own communities, but also collectively ignore them.  Don't give them the reaction they are looking for. Because that is just what they are looking for right? Clearly adults who act in such a manner are missing a screw... or twelve. Right?

Support each other ladies, starting right here in our own communities!

1 comment:

  1. I think people do this because by pulling someone else down it makes them feel better about themselves. As in, "well I may not be perfect, but at least I don't XYZ." It is completely dumb and wrong, but it is the only reason I can think of that people do it.
